I like our Czech lessons but my house is far away and that’s why I don’t have much time since January. My wife works since December and I drive to work. I would like to study vocabulary but my dictionary is not enough. After that I could study Czech phrases which you normally use. And once again lesson in a pub.

“Ja mam rad nase ceske lekce ale moje novy dum je daleko, proto ja ne mam cas od Leden, protoze moje manzelka pracovat od Prosince, a ja ridi po prace. Ja budu rad studuju moc slovo ale moje slovnik je malo. Potom ja budu studovat moc Cesky fraze jako mluvite normalne. A jeste jednou lekce v hospode.”

Rodolfo Bejarano (studies czech for two and a half years once in a week)

“I study Czech because I have been living here in the Czech Republic for more than 5 years and I have to use it every day – in a restaurant, in a shop, at the doctor… It is better when you understand other people. It is fine at work because everybody speaks English there but when I am not at work I have to use Czech. I like our lessons – we can talk about everything that is interesting to us, it is not just grammar and exercise. I like being corrected when I say something wrong and make mistakes. I like lesson in a café and a cake shop.”

“Studuju Cestinu protoze bydlim tady v Ceske Repulbice vic nez 5 let a musim mluvit kazdy den – v restauraci, v obhode, k doktorovi..Je lepsi kdyz rozumis co ti lidy rict. V praci e dobre, vsichny mluvime anglicky ale kdyz nejsem v prace musim mluvit Cestinu. Mam rada nasi lekci – muzeme tam mluvit o vsechno co je pro nas zajimave, lekci nejsou jenom gramatiku a cviceni. Chtela bych byt opravena kdyz mluvim spatne a udelam nejaky chyby. Mam taky rada lekci v kavarne a cukrarne.”

Vanya Encheva (studies czech for five years once in a week)

I like studying Czech as well. We have nice conversations and talk about lots of interesting things. I enjoy our lessons because they are not standard and we can talk about everything with our teacher. I need to study because I live in Prague and have to communicate with people. I’m really looking forward to lesson in a café.

“Ja taky mam rada studovat cestiny. Mame zajimave konversace a mluvime o ruzni neci. Bavim se na nasi lekci protoze nejsou standartni a muzeme mluvit o vsechno s nasa ucitelka. Potrebuji studovat protoze ja bydlim v Praze a musim komunikovat s lidi. Nemuzu dockat lekci v kavarne.”

 Stela Nikolova (studies czech for five years once in a week)

I study Czech because I live here and I need it for communication. Sometimes people talk too fast or use an unknown word and then I don’t understand. I like the games during the lessons because it helps me to remember new vocabulary or grammar.

“Ja studuju čestinu protože bydlim tady a potřebuju čestinu pro komunicace. Někdy ty mluviš rychle a nerozumim nics a někdy pouzivaš slovo a to nerozumim. Mam rad lekci s hrou protože hra pomaha pamatovat slovo nebo gramatika”

Gustavo Saenz (studies czech for two years once in a week)

At the beginning I was curious about Czech and I thought that I won’t stay in the Czech Republic. I think that if I hadn’t been co lazy I would have understood much better today. I like the concept of the lessons that we can talk a lot. At the beginning it was sometimes difficult because I didn’t understand what the lector said and we couldn’t talk about differences between Czech and English. However when I started to understand it, it was great that we talked only in Czech. At the beginning it was also complicated that I used Czech only during the lessons but now I enjoy it more because I use Czech more, for example when talking to friends or people in the streets. Maybe it would be better to have more homework from the beginning to have more practice but I am not sure if I would like it. I really enjoy having lessons just by myself because I still talk very slowly and I don’t like other students to wait for me. I have problems with grammar but I can express myself and I am really happy about it. I am glad I could learn Czech with my lector during the years. I enjoyed it pretty much, thank you!

“Na začátku byl jsem jenom zvědavý na češtinu, protože myslel jsem že nebudu zustavat v Česko. Myslím že jestli nebyl jsem hodně líný, dneska bych lépe rozuměl česky. Měl jsem ráda naše lekce a koncept, že mohli jsme hodně mluvit. Na začátku bylo těžké pro mě protože nerozuměl jsem co jsi říkala a nemohli jsme mluvit o rozdíly mezi čeština a angličtina. Potom když jsem mohl rozumět bylo dobry že mluvili jsme jenom česky. Taky bylo těžké na začátku že nemluvil jsem mimo lekce, ale ted mám rad lekci vice protože pouzivam češtinu. Když mluvim s lidmi na ulici a taky s kamarady. Myslim že bylo bych lepší jestli na začatku měl jsem vice domaci práce jak desetkrát vice pro trénovat ale nevim jestli bych mel takto rad to. Byl jsem stastny že jsem měl lekci sam protože mluvim ještě pomalu a je to dobry když jiny student nemusi cekat na me. Uz mam hodne problémy s gramatiku když mluvim ale jsem moc spokojeny co umim rict co jsem se mohl ucit za ty roky mel jsem rad ucit se cestinu a s tebe moc dekuju!”

ionut@artarisi.eu (studies czech for four years once in a week)

Try Czech Playfully. Best teacher for foreigners, helped me get through on a level which allowed me to write paper for school in near perfect czech. Cheers!

Alejandro Gonzalez

I can reccomend Czech Playfully me and my friends had lessons with Lucie, and also used for my son. Super teacher!

Javier Gonzalez


This article has 2 comments

  1. Yury Tsarev

    I used to learn Czech from Lucie for a couple of years and she really managed to bootstrap my understanding of the language.
    The exam for permanent residence was quite easy after attending her lessons. Thanks Lucie!

    Studoval jsem Češtinu s Lucie asi o dva roky a naučil jsem se hodně pochopit jazyk a taktéž praktické používat.
    Chtěl bych poděkovat Lucie – měl jsem žádný problém se zkouškou pro trvalý pobyt!

  2. Kiril Yanakiev

    As a foreigner that has lived for five years in the Czech Republic, I can honestly say that Lucie has helped me very much with learning Czech. I like the lessons we have in the office. We discuss very interesting topics from regular life. I am able to comprehend properly everything the we talk about and in this process I am able to learn more since the lecture is very interesting. Our teacher makes the language seem easy and I don’t feel when the time passes by.

    Jako cizinec, který žil pět let v České republice, můžu upřímně říct, že Lucie mi pomohlo hodně se učit český. Líbí se mi lekce máme v kanceláři. Diskutujeme velmi zajímavá témata z běžného života. Jsem schopen pochopit správně vše, co budeme mluvit o, a v tomto procesu Jsem schopen se naučit více, protože přednáška je velmi zajímavá. Naše učitelka dělá jazyk zdát snadné, a nemám pocit, kdy se čas ubíhá.